
What is the Expression and Creativity Experimental Learning Laboratory?

From EX.C.E.L.L.’s founder, Dr. Tiffany Du Mouchelle

Our programs are designed to be applicable to everyone. While many of our first principles were developed through my work with the students at my university, the exercises are valuable to everyone, regardless of previous experience. Our program focuses on connecting with each individual’s inner creative artist and helps that artist find a voice. It is valuable for those who are active in the arts, those who dream about becoming artists, people who are interested in being more creative and in tune with their desires, those who have difficulty speaking up for themselves or identifying what they want, and many more.

What was the inspiration for EX.C.E.L.L.?

I founded EX.C.E.L.L. in hopes to help people liberate their creative voices. As a professional singer and teacher, I have helped many students gain the skills to become professional artists. I have also encountered many blocked artists, people who wish to sing or create, but who find themselves limited for one reason or another. I have found that many of the same issues that I work on with my professional singers are the same issues that blocked creatives encounter: a disconnect with their inner creative artist; diminished self esteem; tension; misalignment; fear; etc. I don’t believe that some people are creative and others aren’t. I believe that creativity is an integral part of human nature, but that many aspects of our society hinder our creative natures. Most people who “can’t” are really blocked creatives who have just as much potential as any professional artist. The issue isn’t one of talent. The question is: how do we help an inner creative entity that has been repeatedly told that they “can’t” to finally realize that they “can”?

How does EX.C.E.L.L. work?

Participants engage in a variety of creative exercises that are intended to challenge their perspective. Rather than seeing what you can’t do, you will identify what you already have. Exercises include sound and body work, creative writing, drawing, and visualization. Each session combines multiple sensory experiences based upon a theme, helping participants come to deep realizations about their creative intentions, including what inspires them and what holds them back. Through this process of realization, participants develop a personal pathway towards artistic fulfillment.

What if I’m not comfortable with performing in front of others?

Performance is not the purpose of this workshop. For each exercise, participants will be given a variety of ways to participate to ensure that they are comfortable. In identifying what makes us uncomfortable and facing it, we become stronger. In this safe space participants are encouraged to challenge their personal boundaries of what is normal, comfortable, etc. without fear of judgement.

What will I get from participating in an EX.C.E.L.L. workshop?

Participants will learn exercises to help open their creative pathways. They will identify habits in posture and thinking that represses creative potential, and develop a personalized process to defy this repression and open them up to new growth and possibilities.